First Registered: 1938.
Bodybuilder: W.C.T.
No of seats: B33F.
1st Owner: W.C.T. 49.
2nd Owner: W.C.T. 249.
3rd Owner: Mike Flinn.
4th Owner: Ian Little.
5th Owner: Peter Berry.
6th Owner: W.C.T. Museum.
7th Owner: Omnibus Society.
Chassis Number: 33024
Registration: DO4223
Into Service: 1938
Out of Service:
Joined OS Fleet: 1986
Current Status: Under restoration
History: 49 (later renumbered 249) passed through a number of hands before ending up back with the WCT for their museum
fleet. Restoration started, which unfortunately ended up with most of the seats and glass missing, before passing to the Omnibus
Society fleet. Considerable work has been carried out rebuilding the frame work for the rear end and roof with work continuing
on the front end.
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