About Omnibus Society

The Society exists to "foster an intelligent interest in road passenger transport" - in short we are 'busnuts'.

The Society grew out of the late lamented OMNIBUS BULLETIN, which served to bring together a number of like minded individuals, some of who knew of each other, and others who thought they were "the only bus enthusiast in New Zealand".

So what do we do?

First there was the Morris Commercial, and then there was the Bedford (NZRRS 3583) and now there are more than 20 buses in our collection (see Fleet page). These keep those of us of a more practical bent occupied with restoration, operation and ongoing repairs and maintenance.

Others are more sedate in their passion, and collect information and photos of buses and coaches, documenting the make up of both the national fleet and individual operators. Its quite remarkable how fast things change when you look back, but don't notice at the time!

Both interest sections come together to ride buses, visit depots, and meet socially - often with guest speakers who can widen our knowledge of an industry which is vital to the efficient functioning of New Zealand's larger cities and is enjoying a resurgence in some of the smaller ones as well. The industry in which we share an interest is also a vital part of the tourism industry, which makes a major contribution to our countries economic performance.

Current Position

The Society is setting up a permanant base for its buses and archival materials at the Tokomaru Steam Museum, though portions of the collection are spread around a number of locations. If you are intersted in getting involved, contact the Society to find out about upcoming work days. Other buses are stored in the Wairarapa and bus trips to view these occur periodically.

Can You Help?

The Society works hard to raise funds through bus charters and hiring vehicles for movie and advertising work. If you need a bus for any of these roles, please get in touch. A number of our vehicles are currently stored outside so if you happen to have inside storage, again let us know. The Society is a registered charity and any donations made are tax deductable. Drivers for charters and people to assist with maintenance are always needed too - everything from bus cleaning to mechanical and panel beating work - every little bit helps. Donations can be made directly to our bank account 03-0502-0105275-01 or via PayPal

How to contact us

Online Contact:
Lachlan omnibussocietynz@gmail.com

How to join the Society

Membership fees are $40 waged, $25 non-waged each calendar year. Membership forms can be obtained from:

The Treasurer, The Omnibus Society,
Or click here to download

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