With McGrath Buses Photo: Mike Butler
First Registered: 1972.
Bodybuilder: NZMB.
No of seats: B48F.
1st Owner: Gisborne City Council 4 B46D
2nd Owner: Newmans Coachlines, Whangarei 116 B48F
2nd Owner: WithaCar Rentals Ltd, New Plymouth
3rd Owner: Okato Bus Lines
4th Owner: McGrath Buses Ltd, Taumarunui
5th Owner: MAN (NZ) Ltd
Chassis Number: 05103800380.
Registration: IE6216.
Into Service: 1972
Out of Service: 2005
Joined OS Fleet: 2006
Current Status: Stored - requires starter motor
History: First MAN bus in New Zealand. Owned by MAN (NZ) Ltd and in the care of the Omnibus Society. The bus was
repainted and shown at the 2006 Bus and Coach Association Conference. It has had very little use since, as the starter motor
is non-servicable and needs replacement. A suitable replacement has not yet been found, so if you can help please contact
the society.
At 2006 Bus & Coach Association Conference Photo: Mike Butler
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