Graeme Inwood
First Registerd:
No of seats: B 54 Primary 49 Secondary
1st Owner: Department of Education 281
2nd Owner: Okato Bus Lines 1
3rd Owner: Omnibus Society.
Chassis Number: 147244
Registration: EZ4090.
Into Service: 1951
Out of Service:
Joined OS Fleet:
Current Status: Laid up
History: In service with Okato Bus Lines this bus was known as Mindy. Its partner Mork EZ4109 Okato Bus Lines
#2 is still owned by Okato Bus Lines. Mindy suffered repeated overheating on the delivery trip from Taranaki to Wellington
with a replacement radiator en route. Mindy likely requires a head gasket and resetting of the rear springs along with general
body work. Currently laid up in Woodville.
NZMB photo of another MLZ when new for DOE
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