Alan Wickens
First Registered: 10 Dec 1981
Bodybuilder: Hawker Hunter
No of seats: B40D.
1st Owner: W.C.T. 233.
2nd Owner: Stagecoach Wellington 233
3rd Owner: Omnibus Society.
Chassis Number: 17029.
Registration: KJ8244.
Into Service: 1983
Out of Service: 2009
Joined OS Fleet: 2009
Current Status: Stored
History: One of the last four operational Volvos, along with 227, 258 and 268. Last Service was on 16 November 2009 on
route 11. 258 is now at Ferrymead in Christchurch, while 268 is at the Foxton Trolley Bus Museum. 227 has since been broken up
for parts. 233 is currently stored without a steering box, as these boxes are used in the current trolley bus fleet and was required
back by Go Wellington. If you have a steering box to suit a Volvo B58, please get in touch. For photos of the last day of Volvo
trolley buses in Wellington, see Alan Wickens' Flickr page.
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