Photo: Peter Rendall
First Registerted: 1987
Bodybuilder: Coachwork International
No of seats: B45D
1st Owner: W.C.C.T
2nd Owner: Wellington City Transport Ltd
3rd Owner: Stagecoach
3rd Owner: Go Wellington
3rd Owner: Omnibus Society
Fleet Number: 156
Chassis Number: 7940083
Registration: ZP1073
Into Service: 27/10/87
Out of Service: 2012
Joined OS Fleet:2012
Current Status: Operational, but unable to be used for charter work while still in Go Wellington colours
History: One of 30 buses of this design in the Wellington fleet. Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington and Christchurch
all purchased MAN SL202's with this style of bodywork. The design is to a German Stadt 80 plan.
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