A very dilapidated Mack stored at former GM plant in Trentham. Graeme Bennett
Photo: Peter Rendall
First Registered:
Bodybuilder: Mack Trucks Inc c.k.d. assembled by Wellington Tramway workshops, Kilbirnie
No of seats: B24F
1st Owner: Wellington City Transport 10
2nd Owner: Nelson Suburban Buses Ltd
3rd Owner: Hickmott Motors Motueka
4th Owner: Peter King, Eves Valley, Nelson
5th Owner: Omnibus Society
Chassis Number: 591865
Into Service: 1926
Out of Service:
Joined OS Fleet:
Current Status: Stored awaiting restoration
History: Possibly the oldest NZ new Mack in NZ and in need of significant work to restore it to its
former glory. It is stored awaiting its turn as time and funds allow.
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