This bus was constructed in 1985 for the NZRRS urban bus contract that was won by Hino with the RK176. At the time
the Lynx was still under development by Leyland with deliveries commencing in 1986. A body was adapted at Leyland Bus
Australia by lenghtening pillars. Because of the higher floor level on the Tiger chassis the doors had to be lowered and
infill panels installed above ths doors. The waist is also higher so it does not form a continoous line with the
windscreen. The body components were then shipped to Coachwork International in Auckland for assemby.
This drawing shows how it would have looked in NZRRS colours
The bus as constructed. The door panels are as on the standard Lynx and break up the waist line detracting from the
appearance of the bus. Photographer unknown.
At the 1990 Commonwealth Games in Auckland. After the games the bus was sold to Newmans for use on Hamilton City
services where it ahs remained for the last 16 years. Photographer Paul Williams.